My starting point for this is the evolution of the Android SmartPos and in particular the version at the lowest common denominator also known as SoftPos, which allows most Android phones to become NFC payment terminals. This is the domain of the Android operating system because Google has allowed unrestricted access to NFC since the days of GooglePay (2015ish), hence it doesn't surprise that when we talk about the SmartPOS, we really talk about the Android operating system with custom hardware and software. Now, we have known for some time that Apple will be entering this space (and has in fact in some markets) with the iPhone given the acquisition of Mobeewave. What is different to the Android ecosystem, however, is that Apple is again controlling every aspect surrounding the user experience. Let me try to reach a bit further and just to be clear: I’m not an expert when it comes to Terminal hardware and PCI security. Further I have not signed an NDA with Apple, so a lot of this i